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IE - The Complete Icon Editor
by Peter Kiem
15 Penfold St
Hillcrest, QLD 4118
(07) 800-8459
FidoNet: 3:640/304
IE is a shareware program which allows the creation and editing of icons
on the Amiga personal computer. Using IE you can make icons much larger and
easier than using the supplied icon editor on your system disks.
You do not have to mention in your documentation that the icons were
created with IE, but it would be nice for you to include a message like:
Icons created with IE - The Complete Icon Editor
The demonstration version of IE is fully functional so you can test all
the functions of IE and determine if you wish to register or not. To
encourage you to register IE, the demonstration version also has a few
- After starting the demonstration version of IE two requesters will
be displayed giving information about the demonstration version and
about obtaining a registered copy of IE. These requesters will
disappear after 30 seconds each and you can then continue with IE.
- The demonstration version will also exit after any "save" operation
is performed. This is done so you can see the effects of changing an
icon with IE rather than totally disabling the save functions as some
demonstration programs do.
When you register your copy of IE you receive a registration number and
a fully operational copy of IE with your name coded into the title bar as
proof of your registration. You will also be entitled to upgrades (for a
small fee) if I create new versions of IE.
I am not making a living from writing IE so I have not charged as much
as I could had I marketed it commercially. A fully registered version of IE
will only cost you AUD$20. Please respect the amount of time and effort I
have put into IE and consider the small fee asked if you continue to use this
Updates are available to registered users by returning your ORIGINAL disk
to me at the above address along with a postage and handling charge of:
Australia AUD$ 5
Overseas AUD$10
You can freely distribute the DEMONSTRATION version of IE as long as the
following is observed:
- The program and documentation must be distributed together and are
not modified in any way. The only exception is that the program and
documentation may be compressed into an archive for uploading to
Bulletin Boards or for other electronic transmission.
- The program is not used commercially or included in a commercial
package for profit unless written authorisation from me is obtained
first. The demonstration version of IE may be freely included on public
domain library disks or compilation disks provided only a small fee is
charged for the service.
A REGISTERED version must NEVER be distributed in ANY way.
(after all, you paid for it - so should others).
IE requires Workbench 2.04 or later. The functions used for IEv4.0 are
not available in Workbench 1.3 or earlier. If you require a version of IE
for Workbench 1.3 or earlier then you can obtain IEv3.0 from me at the above
address. A demonstration version of IEv3.0 is on Fish Disk 621.
IE also requires "asl.library" and "diskfont.library" to be present in
your LIBS: directory. Unless you have removed libraries from your boot disk
you will not have to worry about this.
IE will now quite happily run in 1/2 Meg memory using the default image
size, screen resolution and number of colours unlike IEv3.0 which required 2
Meg of memory.
Icons are the pictures on Workbench that allow you to start a program,
select a document or examine the contents of a disk. These icons can also
have a second picture which is displayed when the icon is selected giving
the appearance of motion etc.
Icons can also pass information to the tool called through the use of
"Tool Types". IE will also allow you to edit these and more.
There are five different types of icons representing the different types
of files on the Amiga:
DISK ICON - To represent disks or harddrive partitions. (NOTE: A disk
icon will only be displayed when it is named "disk.info" and is in the
top directory of a disk or HardDrive partition).
DRAWER ICON - To represent a drawer (directory) on a disk.
TRASHCAN ICON - To represent the special drawer known as the Trashcan
which is used for deleting files.
TOOL ICON - To represent an executable program.
PROJECT ICON - To represent a document, drawing, picture etc that is
passed to the tool for being edited.
IE can be simply installed on your system by dragging the IE icon into
window on your disk that you wish to place IE into. No special assigns or
"hidden" files are used by IE.
It is recommended however, that the entire IE drawer is copied so you can
always find the documentation files.
The simplest method of starting IE is by double-clicking on the IE icon
from Workbench. This will start IE ready to create an icon.
Another method of starting IE from Workbench is to single-click on a
project icon, hold down the "shift" key and double-click on the IE icon.
This will start IE and automatically load the project icon for editing.
IE can also be started from the CLI by typing "IE" optionally followed
by the name of the icon to load. This icon can be of any type and the
".info" suffix needed not be included in the name.
The tooltypes and CLI parameters that IE accepts are listed at the end of
this document. These allow you to select the screen resolution and interlace
settings for the IE screen, the number of colours the icon should contain and
to increase the maximum image size that IE works with.
On the main IE window there is a large square region on the left hand
side. In this window the icon being edited is displayed 8 times normal
size. This magnification can be changed by moving the slider gadget above
the display window. This slider does not actually change the size of the
icon but how large each pixel is displayed in the edit window.
To see different parts of the icon simply click, or slide, the
horizontal and vertical scroll bars next to the display window. This allows
you to move quickly around the image.
Alternatively you can click on the arrow gadgets next to the scroll bars
to shift the display one pixel at a time in the direction of the arrow.
Holding down the left mouse button on one of these arrow gadgets will
continuous scroll the image a pixel at a time in that direction.
The "H" gadget in the top-right corner of the display window returns the
horizontal and vertical scroll bars quickly to the "Home" position (that is,
with the top-left corner of the icon being displayed).
Underneath the display window are the current coordinates of the pointer
within the icon and the name of the icon currently being edited.
Icons can be made of one or two images. The first image is the image
displayed on the Workbench screen before any selection is made and is called
the "Normal Image". The second (optional) image is displayed when the icon
is selected and is called the "Selected Image".
To the right of the "H" gadget is the Image Select gadget. This gadget
allows you to select which image you are displaying/editing. Click on this
gadget to switch between the two images.
Just underneath the Select Image gadget is the Undo Edit gadget. As the
name suggests, this gadget will "undo" the last editing operation. This
enables you to reverse the effects where the edit you performed was
incorrect (e.g. If your Flood-Fill leaked and destroyed your image, then
click on the Undo Edit gadget and the image will be restored to before the
The Undo Edit gadget will only undo the changes of the LAST edit and not
previous ones. Certain operations likewise will not be able to be undone
and the gadget will be disabled to inform you of this fact.
To select a colour to draw in, click on one of the colour gadgets down
the right-hand side of the main IE window. The brush pointer's tip will
change to the selected colour to remind which colour you are using.
AGA users (A1200/A4000) take note: If you are editing an icon with more
than 16 colours then one of the colours in the palette will change when you
select a colour to use. This is because non-AGA machines use colour register
16 to 19 for the mouse pointer. Apparently the AGA machines use the full 256
registers and I don't as yet have the Workbench3 docs to fix this bug. This
shouldn't affect your icon at all it only affects the IE display colours.
To change the colour of a pixel in the icon's image simply position the
pointer in the display window over the pixel you want to change and click
the left mouse button. The pixel will then change to the currently selected
colour as denoted by the pointer's brush tip.
By holding down the left mouse button and moving the pointer within the
display window the pointer will continuously draw into the image changing
the pixels moved over into the currently selected colour.
These gadgets allow you to select what type of drawing action is being
performed. The selections are described below:
Freehand drawing as described in the "CHANGING THE ICON'S IMAGE"
section above.
A mouse click within the display window will initiate a "flood" paint.
The pixel under the pointer is changed to the currently selected colour
and this continues for all pixels of the same colour "connected" to the
selected one. Only horizontal and vertical "connections" are checked for
flood fill, diagonals are ignored. This can be used to quickly fill in
an area instead of painting all of it by hand.
Remember that the Undo-Edit gadget will restore your image if the flood
fill "leaks" and destroys your image but it must be done straight away.
A mouse click within the display window will initiate a text write. A
requester is displayed asking for the text to write into the image. The
string gadget is automatically activated for you so you can just start
typing and press the return key when finished.
If you wish to use a different font, style or colour than the default
(Topaz/8 - Text Only - White Text) then you can click on the Text Options
gadget which will then bring up a Font Requester. This requester allows
you to scroll through the list of available fonts, select one and apply
any combination of the style changes bold, italic and underline. The
highlighted font name represents the current font. A sample text in the
selected font and styles can be seen in the requester to enable you to
make your decision before leaving the requester. The selected font and
style then becomes the default for further text writes.
The Text colour gadget selects what colour to draw the text in. The
Field colour gadget selects what colour to draw the background in. The
Mode gadget allows you to select the text drawing mode as detailed below:
Text Only - Draw the text but do not disturb the background.
Text+Field - Draw the text but use a coloured rectangle as a
Complement - Draw the text without disturbing the background. The
selected colours are ignored and the text is written
into the image using colours that depend on the
background colours it is writing over.
Below the Edit Mode gadgets are the Move Image Arrow gadgets. These
gadgets move the whole icon image in the direction of the gadget. If you
move the image outside of the boundaries then the image will be trimmed to
These are not to be confused with the arrow gadgets next to the scroll
bars as those gadgets are only for fine-tuning the scroll bars.
These gadgets are most useful when you wish to create extra room on top
of, or to the left of, your image in order to do more drawing. They can
also be used to eliminate "blank" space to the left of your image.
IE will automatically strip the image to the smallest possible size when
saving the icon so it may be faster to save the icon temporarily and reload
it and only use these gadgets to remove the "blank" space that IE could not
remove automatically.
The "PROJECT/NEW" menu item (Right-Amiga N)
This menu item resets IE to it's defaults for creating a new icon. It
clears the data in both images and resets the InfoEdit window parameters.
The "PROJECT/LOAD" menu item (Right-Amiga L)
This menu item will display the file requester to allow you to select
which icon you wish to load. See the section on the File Requester for
The sub-menus of this menu item allow you to select which default icon
you wish to load.
Default icons are used by Workbench to display icons for files that don't
have icons already defined for them. Workbench has the five icon types
already defined but these defaults can be changed by supplying a new icon as
the default.
The "PROJECT/SAVE" menu item (Right-Amiga S)
This menu item will save the current icon, or if you haven't selected
an icon name it will display the file requester for you to select one. See
the section on the File Requester for details.
IE will automatically strip the imagery you designed for the icon to the
smallest possible size, eliminating as much "blank" space as possible,
before saving.
The "PROJECT/SAVE AS" menu item
This menu item will display the file requester to allow you to select a
name to save the icon under. See the section on the File Requester for
This menu option will save the current icon to be used as the Workbench
default icon for that type. The type is determined by the Icon Type
selection in the Edit Info window described later. Basically you load a
default icon, change the imagery and parameters, and then save as default so
that icon will be used by Workbench in the future.
NOTE: This menu option will require the icon be saved to your Workbench
disk and will not work if the disk is write-protected. Also default disk
icons may not take effect until after a system reboot.
The "PROJECT/SAVE & QUIT" menu item (Right-Amiga F)
This menu item will save the current icon, or if you haven't selected
an icon name it will display the file requester for you to select one. See
the section on the File Requester for details.
After saving the icon IE will then automatically quit. It is a shortcut
to using the Right-Amiga S and Right-Amiga Q menu items.
The "PROJECT/ABOUT" menu item (Right-Amiga A)
This menu item will display information about the program and show you
where you can contact the author. Press the "OK" gadget when finished
reading each requester.
The "PROJECT/QUIT" menu item (Right-Amiga Q)
This menu item allows you to quit IE (what else?).
The "ICON/EDIT INFO" menu item (Right-Amiga E)
This menu item displays the icon information editing window. This
window allows you to change the various "non-graphical" options of icons.
Click in the close gadget at the top left when finished. The options are
summarised below:
ICON TYPE - Simply select the gadget corresponding to type of icon you
HIGHLIGHTING - Select which type of highlighting the icon should have
when it is selected from Workbench. COMPLEMENT is to reverse all the
icon colours within it's select box. BACKFILL is to reverse all the
icon colours but only in the image not the background. ALT RENDER is
to use the second image (Select Image).
HORIZONTAL POSITION - Select the AUTOMATIC gadget if you wish Workbench
to automatically try to find a place to fit the icon in. If the
AUTOMATIC gadget is turned off then the number in the string gadget
specifies the exact horizontal placement of the icon. This can be a
negative number if the window that the icon is displayed in has been
scrolled to the left.
VERTICAL POSITION - Same functionality as the Horizontal Position gadgets
except it is for controlling the vertical placement. This can also be a
negative number if the window that the icon is displayed in has been
scrolled upwards.
DEFAULT TOOL - Type the name of the tool (executable program) which this
icon is associated with. The effect of double clicking on this icon
will be the tool is started and the file associated with this icon will
be passed to the tool. The file associated with this icon will only be
passed to the tool if the tool is set up to receive parameters from
Workbench otherwise the tool will start as if you selected it directly.
This gadget will only work with DISK or PROJECT icons. DISK icons
should specify a disk copy program for their default tool.
TOOL TYPES - Up to 40 tool types can be specified in this area with the
scrolling controlled by the scroll bar and arrow gadgets. Tool Types
are parameters which are passed to the tool such as "PRINTER=LPT". The
tool must be written to accept Tool Types and the tool documentation
should be able to inform you of the format to use. Simply click the left
mouse button over the tooltype line you wish to change and it will be
copied into the string gadget underneath allowing you to modify it. To
add a new tooltype, select a blank line for changing.
OPENED WINDOW - These gadgets enable you to specify the position and size
of the window which is displayed when the DISK, DRAWER or GARBAGE icon is
NAME OFFSET - This enables you to specify a +/- value with which to
offset the vertical positioning of the icon name. By specifying a
positive value the name is moved downwards. The more usual use is to
specify a negative value which moves the name upwards. This can be
used to centre the icon name within the image of the icon. NOTE that
if the name is moved into the icon image only the image portion ABOVE
the name can be selected with the mouse.
STACK SIZE - This enables you to specify the stack size for the tool
which is started by the TOOL or PROJECT icon. A stack size of 0 means
to use the default stack size (around 4000 bytes), otherwise the stack
size you specify will be used.
Workbench 2.04 and later has the ability to detect when an icon has been
changed and the change will normally take effect immediately after saving.
The only exception is that when the Opened Window parameters are changed the
icon has to be reloaded by closing the window that contains the icon and
reopening it. If the icon was a disk icon then you will have to close all
windows from that disk, remove the disk and reinsert the disk.
The "ICON/PREVIEW" menu item (Right-Amiga P)
This menu item displays the icon preview window. This window displays
as much of the icon image as possible with no magnification to give you some
idea as to how it will be displayed on Workbench.
Clicking the left mouse button in this window will toggle the display
between the Normal image and the Selected image. NOTE - The preview window
will only display alternate pictures, the Complement and Backfill select
options cannot be displayed in the preview window.
Clicking the right mouse button will close the window. The window can
also be closed by the close gadget in the top left of the window.
The "ICON/RECOLOUR" menu item (Right-Amiga R)
This menu item will cause second and third colours (usually black and
white) in the icon to be reversed in both icon images. This is a shortcut to
using the "ICON/SWAP COLOURS" menu item for each image and is provided
especially for changing icons that were created using Workbench 1.3 or
earlier for Workbench 2.04+ usage.
The "ICON/SWAP COLOURS" menu item (Right-Amiga W)
This menu item will display a requester where you can choose two
colours to be reversed in the CURRENT image being edited (e.g. you can swap
black with white).
The "IMAGE/COPY" menu item
The sub-menus of this menu item allow you to select an image copy
function to use on the loaded icon images. Using these sub-menus allow you
to duplicate an image into the other icon image or even swap the images
The "IMAGE/SCALE" menu item
The sub-menus of this menu item allow to increase or decrease the current
icon image. This can be used for loading a picture and then shrinking it to
make an icon to represent the picture. Naturally, decreasing an image will
lose some of the finer details of the image.
The "IMPORT/EXPORT /OUTPUT C CODE" menu item (Right-Amiga C)
This menu item will display the file requester to allow you to select
a filename to write the C language code for the icon. See the section on
the File Requester for details. One use of this is for your programs to
generate their own icons.
The following code example shows how to write an icon file. This
assumes you generated the C Code to a file called "c-code" and are
generating the icon "test.info":
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
#include <workbench/workbench.h>
#include <functions.h>
extern struct IconBase *IconBase;
void main()
IconBase = (struct IconBase *) OpenLibrary("icon.library", 0);
PutDiskObject("test", &Icon);
Another use for the generated C code is for creating gadgets for your
programs. You can create the gadget image using IE, or load in an IFF
image into IE, and write the C code to a file. The image data and image
structure generated can then be copied into your program as the data for the
The "IMPORT/EXPORT /IMPORT IFF" menu item (Right-Amiga I)
This menu item displays the file requester to allow you to choose an
IFF picture file to load into the CURRENT image being edited. This allows
you to use pictures (generated by packages such as DPaint) in your icon
If importing an IFF file ensure that your icon has at least the same
number of colours as the IFF image or some detail will be lost.
The "IMPORT/EXPORT /EXPORT IFF" menu item (Right-Amiga X)
This menu item displays the file requester to allow you to choose the
name of the IFF picture to be created from the CURRENT image being edited.
This allows you to export your image to packages with more sophisicated
editing features (such as DPaint) to edit your image and then later import
the edited image back into your icon image.
These menu items allow you to grab images directly from other icons.
"NON-SELECT IMAGE" (Right-Amiga 1) allows you to load the Non-Select
image of an icon into the CURRENT image being edited.
"SELECT IMAGE" (Right-Amiga 2) allows you to load the Select image of
an icon (if there is one) into the CURRENT image being edited.
"BOTH IMAGES" (Right-Amiga 3) is a shortcut that allows you to load
both images from an icon into the icon you are currently editing.
IE utilitises the standard file requester provided by Workbench 2.04
whenever a filename is needed for various activities. The parts of the
file requester are detailed below:
PATTERN GADGET - This gadget allows you to specify a mask which hides
files that you are not interested in. For example, the load function
will only display icon files and directories so you don't accidently
select a file which isn't an icon. You may wish to clear the contents of
this gadget for two reasons:
Saving an icon - By displaying all files you can select the filename of
the program that you wish to attach the icon to. This
will save you typing in the program name!
Speed - The Workbench 2.04 file requester can be slow to read
the filenames off the disk if pattern matching is
being used. The file requester has less work to do if
there is no pattern matching and hence will be faster.
DRAWER STRING GADGET - This gadget is to display the current drawer of
which the file requester is displaying the names of files in. You may
type a new drawer name in here and press return to quickly move to
another drawer.
FILENAME GADGETS - These display the names of the files in the current
drawer. The highlighted gadgets represent drawers and the rest are
ordinary files. To select a new drawer to examine just click on the
drawer name with the left mouse button. Selecting a filename by clicking
the left mouse button on the required file will copy the filename into
the filename string gadget. Selecting the filename again will act like
the OK gadget has been pressed and accept the filename as final.
FILENAME STRING GADGET - This gadget displays what the current file is.
You may type a filename directly in here to quickly select a file or to
specify the name of a new file. This gadget is always active and at
any time you can just start typing in the filename and press return
when finished.
PARENT GADGET - This gadget will change the current drawer to it's
parent drawer (that is, the drawer that contains the current drawer).
Selecting this gadget when at the top most drawer of a disk will have
no effect.
VOLUMES GADGET - This gadget will cause the file requester to display the
list of volumes instead of files. The non-highlighted gadgets represent
disks or harddrive partitions available. The highlighted gadgets
represent logical volumes created by the use of "assign" statements.
Selecting one of these gadgets will set the current drawer to the
assigned logical volume or disk.
To try to prevent you from losing your work (from power loss, system
failure, etc) IE will automatically try to save your icon into the file
"IE.AutoSave.info" five minutes after a change has been made to an icon
without the icon being saved. This file will be automatically deleted if IE
is exited with the "PROJECT/QUIT" or "PROJECT/SAVE & QUIT" menu items.
If IE finds the autosave file present when it starts it will ask if you
want to reload the icon from the autosave file restoring your work.
NOTE the autosave file is created in the directory that IE is started
from and will require the disk is not write-protected.
NOTE also that the DEMONSTRATION version will automatically exit after an
If you have some icons that you use regularly then you can create a
"library" of icons by saving them in a drawer as PROJECT icons. Then by
clicking on an icon, holding down the shift key and double-clicking on the
IE icon you can start IE and IE will automatically load the icon. You can
then change the icon type, and other characteristics, and use the
"PROJECT/SAVE AS" menu item to save the icon in the desired place and name.
A better method than click, shift, double-click is to change the PROJECT
icon's default tool string to be the full path and name of IE. Then you
just have to double-click on the desired icon and IE will start and
automatically load the icon as above.
The various configuration settings for IE are controlled by:
TOOLTYPES - For Workbench users.
To add tooltypes to the IE icon simply use IE. Load the IE icon into IE,
select the "ICON/EDIT INFO" menu item and add the tooltype into the tool
types list. Close the window and save the icon. Restart IE to use the new
tool types.
Another method is to select the icon in Workbench and select the "Icons
Information" menu option. Click on the "New" gadget, enter your tool type
string and click on the "Save" gadget.
Note that the supplied icon with IE is 8 colours and IE will default to
4 colours. If you wish to retain the 8 colours in the icon then it is
advised that you use the "Information" menu option to add the tool type
COLOURS=8 before editing the IE icon with IE.
Tool types must be entered each on a different line when adding them to
an icon.
To add CLI PARAMETERS simply add the parameters anywhere on the CLI
command to start IE. The CLI parameter is the same as the tool type but with
a "-" immediately before it. This is to stop IE confusing parameters with
icon names. For example, "IE -INTERLACE" will start IE using an interlaced
The tooltypes and CLI parameters are described below:
This starts IE using a SUPERHIRES screen resolution. You need an ECS
equipped Amiga to use this resolution. Non-AGA users can only have a
maximum of 4 colours while in this resolution. AGA users can have 256.
This starts IE using an interlace screen resolution.
This selects the number of colours that will be in the icon. Replace
<n> with the number of colours from 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256.
For example, "IE -COLOURS=16" will start IE editing icons with 16
If you need to create an icon larger than 128 pixels high, this
parameter will start IE with a maximum height limit of 256 pixels.
If you need to create an icon larger than 320 pixels wide, this
parameter will start IE with a maximum width limit of 640 pixels.
I designed IE to be as simple to use as possible but still possess all
the features required for the construction of icons. The Amiga has a far
better icon system than ANY of the other machines available and I hope you
use IE to utilise the Amiga's icon system to it's fullest. If I can be of
any help in your usage of IE or icons then drop me a line.
Thanks must go to all the people who have registered. Without this
support I would not have made this version. Thanks also to those users who
made suggestions for how to improve IE.
Here is a count of registrations I have received to date:
Country Number
Australia 41 (To be expected, I guess)
Austria 4
Canada 1
France 4
Germany 36 (Hooray for Germany!!!)
Holland 1
New Zealand 3
Sweden 2
Switzerland 4
United Kingdom 1
United States of America 13
A very special thanks must go to Leigh Murray of Queanbeyan, Australia
for creating the IEv4.0 icons and beta testing IE for me.
IE is being constantly updated. If you can think of extra functions that
might be of benefit in IE or some ways IE's interface can be enhanced then
please contact me and I will seriously consider your suggestions. The best
thing about ShareWare programs are that YOU can make input to them which
might make your life, and somebody elses, a little easier.
If you like IE, or even hate it, please contact me as well as I like to
hear what others think about my efforts.
I hope that this program is of use to you and if you like it give the
demonstration version to all of your friends.
Best wishes and happy Iconing...
Peter Kiem.